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You can access the Placement Exam from the link below:


The exam link will be active between 2 October 2023 Monday 12:00 – 3 October Tuesday 12:00. The exam duration is 60 minutes.

It is of great importance that the students take this exam because the level of the students for the whole Preparatory year will be determined based on this exam.

The Placement Test is not a proficiency test; it is not possible to be exempted from Preparatory Education with this test.

Our students can access the exam link only with their e-mail addresses with extension.

Students who have problems with their e-mail addresses can solve their problems by contacting [email protected].

Each student has only one right to take the exam within the specified hours.

If the students have not clicked on the “Submit” button before the exam finish time, they cannot submit their answers when the exam closes, and they are considered absent from the exam.

It is extremely important that students enter their personal information, especially their student number correctly.

If the students enter their information incorrectly, their exam results cannot be determined, and they cannot be placed at an appropriate level.

The Placement Test is not a proficiency test; it is not possible to be exempted from Preparatory Education with this test.

It is not possible to change levels during the year; hence, it is of utmost importance that the students answer this test only based on their own knowledge.

It is the students’ responsibility to ensure access to the necessary internet connection and device for this online exam. Language School is not responsible for any problem that can arise from internet connection or personal devices. There are no make-up exams for this exam and the exam will not be held again. It is not possible to request level change later.

Student schedules and classrooms will be announced at in the evening of 03.10.2023.

If the students cannot find their student numbers on this list, they are required to be present on campus 30 minutes before the lessons start and they will be placed in an appropriate class.

Students are absolutely required to participate in this exam, which will determine the level at which the student will be placed during the Preparatory education.The Placement Test is not an exemption exam; it is not possible to be exempted from the preparatory education with this exam. Since it is not possible to switch between levels afterwards, it is important that students complete this exam with their own knowledge in order to be placed at the correct level.

Son Güncelleme Tarihi: 02/10/2023 - 12:08