Selective Binding of PVTK Peptide- and Bisphosphonate-Functionalized Micelles to Prostate Cancer Cells, Osteoblasts, and Osteoclasts, Aydin, O.; Tiruchinapally, G.; Youssef, I.; Ramaraju, H.; Durmaz, Y. Y.; Kozloff, K.; Kohn, D.; ElSayed, M. Precision Nanomedicine2022, 5 (1).
Experimental and Computational Investigation of Clustering Behavior of Cyclodextrin–Perfluorocarbon Inclusion Complexes as Effective Histotripsy Agents, Kaymaz, B.; Mustafa, W.; Hall, S.; Vlaisavljevich, E.; Sensoy, O.; Yuksel Durmaz, Y. Mol. Pharmaceutics2022, 19 (8), 2907–2921.
Particle-Mediated Histotripsy for the Targeted Treatment of Intraluminal Biofilms in Catheter-Based Medical Devices, Childers, C.; Edsall, C.; Mehochko, I.; Mustafa, W.; Durmaz, Y. Y.; Klibanov, A. L.; Rao, J.; Vlaisavljevich, E. BME Frontiers2022, 2022, 1–14.
Bubble Cloud Behavior and Ablation Capacity for Histotripsy Generated from Intrinsic or Artificial Cavitation Nuclei, Edsall, C.; Khan, Z. M.; Mancia, L.; Hall, S.; Mustafa, W.; Johnsen, E.; Klibanov, A. L.; Durmaz, Y. Y.; Vlaisavljevich, E. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology2021, 47 (3), 620–639.

Effective PEGylation method to improve biocompatibility of graphene derivatives, E. Demirel, E. Karaca and Y. Y. Durmaz European Polymer Journal, 2020 125, 109504.

Nanoparticle-mediated histotripsy (NMH) using perfluorohexane “nanocones”, J. Khirallah, R. Schmieley, E. Demirel, T. U. Rehman, J. Howell, Y. Y. Durmaz and E. Vlaisavljevich Physics in Medicine & Biology, 2019 64 (12), 125018.

Development of Acoustically Active Nanocones Using the Host–Guest Interaction as a New Histotripsy Agent, N. Kaushala, T. U. Rehman, J. Khirallah, E. Demirel, J. Howell, E. Vlaisavljevich, and Y. Y. Durmaz ACS Omega, 2019 4 (2), 4176–4184.

Synergistic inhibition of aggressive breast cancer cell migration and invasion by cytoplasmic delivery of anti-RhoC silencing RNA and presentation of EPPT1 peptide on “smart” particles, N. Kaushala, G. Tiruchinapally, Y. Y. Durmaz, L. Bao, R. Gilani, S. D. Merajverc, M. E. H. ElSayedad, Journal of Controlled Release, 2018 298, 79-93.

Noninvasive Ablation of Prostate Cancer Spheroids Using Acoustically-Activated Nanodroplets, O. Aydin, E. Vlaisavljevich, Y. Y. Durmaz, Z. Xu M. E. H. El-Sayed, Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2016 13, 4054-4065.

Noninvasive Ablation of Prostate Cancer Spheroids Using Acoustically-Activated Nanodroplets, O. Aydin, E. Vlaisavljevich, Y. Y. Durmaz, Z. Xu M. E. H. El-Sayed, Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2016 13, 4054-4065.

The Effects of Droplet Composition on Nanodroplet-Mediated Histotripsy, E. Vlaisavljevich, O. Aydin, Y. Y. Durmaz, K-W. Lin, B. Fowlkes, M. E. H. ElSayed, Z. Xu,Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 2016 42, 931–946.

The role of positive and negative pressure on cavitation nucleation in nanodroplet-mediated histotripsy, E. Vlaisavljevich, O. Aydin, K-W. Lin, Y. Y. Durmaz, B. Fowlkes, M. E. H. ElSayed, Z. Xu,Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2016 61, 663-668.

“Smart” Nanoparticles Enhance the Cytoplasmic Delivery of Anti-RhoC Silencing RNA and Inhibit the Migration and Invasion of Aggressive Breast Cancer Cells, N. Kaushal, Y. Y. Durmaz, L. W. Bao, S. D. Merajver, M. E. H. ElSayed, Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2015 12 (7), 2406-2417.

The Effects of Ultrasound Frequency on Nanodroplet-Mediated Histotripsy, E. Vlaisavljevich, O. Aydin, K.W. Lin, Y. Y. Durmaz, B. Fowlkes, M.E.H. ElSayed, Z. Xu, Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 2015 41 (8), 2135-2147.

Development of Nanodroplets for Histotripsy-Mediated Cell Ablation, Y. Y. Durmaz, E. Vlaisavljevich, Z. Xu, M. E. H ElSayed, Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2014 11 (10), 3684-3695.

Nanodroplet-Mediated Histotripsy for Image-guided Targeted Ultrasound Cell Ablation, E. Vlaisavljevich, Y. Y. Durmaz, A. Maxwell, M. E. H. ElSayed, Z. Xu, Theranostics, 2013 3 (11), 851-864.

Synergistic Combination of Small Molecule Inhibitor and RNA Interference against Antiapoptotic Bcl-2 Protein in Head and Neck Cancer Cells, Y-L. Lin, Y. Y. Durmaz, J. E. Nör, M. E. H. ElSayed, Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2013 10 (7), 2730-2738.

Development of Degradable, pH-Sensitive Star Vectors for Enhancing the Cytoplasmic Delivery of Nucleic Acids, Y. Y. Durmaz, Y-L. Lin, M. E. H. ElSayed, Advanced Functional Materials, 2013 23 (31), 3885-3895.

Targeting Hepatic Cancer Cells with PEGylated Dendrimers Displaying N-Acetylgalactosamine and SP94 Peptide Ligands, S. H. Medina, G. Tiruchinapally, M. V. Chevliakov,Y. Y. Durmaz, R. N. Stender, W. D. Ensminger, D. S. Shewach, M. E. H. ElSayed, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2013 2 (10), 1337-1350.

Enzyme-Activated Nanoconjugates for Tunable Release of Doxorubicin in Hepatic Cancer Cells, S. H. Medina, M. V. Chevliakov, G. Tiruchinapally, Y. Y. Durmaz, S. P. Kuruvilla, M. E.H. ElSayed, Biomaterials, 2013 36 (19), 4655-4666.

A Novel Poly(p-phenylene) Containing Alternating Poly(perfluorooctylethyl acrylate-co-methyl methacrylate) and Polystyrene Grafts by Combination of Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization and Suzuki Coupling Processes, Y. Y. Durmaz, E. L. Sahkulubey, Y. Yagci, E. Martinelli, G. Galli, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2012 50 (23), 4911-4919.

New Photoinitiating Systems for Cationic Polymerization Acting at Near UV and Visible Range, B. Aydogan, Y. Y. Durmaz, M. U. Kahveci, M. Uygun, M. A. Tasdelen, Y. Yagci, Macromolecular Symposia, 2011 308 (1), 25-34.

Film Formation of Poly(methyl metacrylate) Latex with Pyrene Functional Poly(divinylbenzene) Microspheres Prepared by Click Chemistry, S. Ugur, O. Yargi, Y. Y. Durmaz, B. Karagoz, N. Bicak, Y. Yagci, O. Pekcan,Polymer Composites, 2011 32 (6), 869-881.

Modification of Poly(divinylbenzene) Microspheres by Hydrobromination-Click Chemistry Protocol and Their Protein Adsorption Properties, Y. Y. Durmaz, B. Karagoz, N. Bicak, D. Odaci, E. Yalcinkaya, S. Timur, Y. Yagci,Macromolecular Bioscience, 2011 11, 141-150.

Perfectly Alternating Amphiphilic Poly(p-phenylene) Graft Copolymers by Combination of Controlled Radical Polymerization and Suzuki Coupling Processes E. L. Sahkulubey, Y. Y. Durmaz, Y. Yagci,Macromolecules, 2010 43, 2732-2738.

Surface Modification of Cured Epoxy Network by Click Chemistry, Y. Y. Durmaz, M. Sangermano, Y. Yagci,Journal of Polymer Science Part A:Polymer Chemistry, 2010 48, 2862–2868.

Peculiarities of δ- and α-Relaxations in Polymers with Cyanobiphenyl Liquid Crystalline Side Chains of different Lengths, F. Salehli, S. Yildiz, H. Ozbek, E. Uykur, Y. H. Gursel, Y. Y. Durmaz,Polymer, 2010 51, 1450-1456.

Synthesis and Characterization of Telechelic Polymers by Combination of Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization and Click Chemistry Processes, S. S. Okcu, Y. Y. Durmaz, Y. Yagci, Designed Monomers and Polymers, 2010 13 (7), 459-472.

Synthesis and Characterization of Polystyrene Possessing Triptycene Units in the Main Chain by Combination of ATRP and Click Chemistry Processes, S. Ates, Y. Y. Durmaz, L. Torun, Y. Yagci, Journal of Macromolecular Science Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry , 2010 47 (8), 809-815.

Photoinduced Decomposition of Dibenzoyldiethylgermane: A Photochemical Route to Polygermanes Y. Y. Durmaz, M. Kukut, N. Monszner, Y. Yagci,Macromolecules, 2009 42, 2899-2902.

Graft Copolymers by the Combination of ATRP and Photochemical Acylation Process by Using Benzodioxinones, Y. Y. Durmaz, V. Kumbaraci, A. L. Demirel, N. Talinli, Y. Yagci,Macromolecules, 2009 47, 7343-3749.

Sequential Photodecomposition of Bisacylgermane Type Photoinitiator: Synthesis of Block Copolymers by Combination of Free Radical Promoted Cationic and Free Radical Polymerization Mechanisms, Y. Y. Durmaz, M. Kukut, N. Monszner, Y. Yagci,Journal of Polymer Science Part A:Polymer Chemistry , 2009 47, 4793–4799.

Functionalization of Poly(divinylbenzene) Microspheres via Click Chemistry Proceeses, B. Karagoz, Y. Y. Durmaz, B. N. Gacal, N. Bicak, Y. Yagci,Designed Monomer and Polymer, 2009 12, 511-512.

Dielectric Relaxation in a Thermotropic Side Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymer with Nematic Reentrant Phase F. Salehli, S. Yıldız, H. Ozbek, Y. H. Gursel, Y Y. Durmaz,Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2008 20 (3), 35106.

A New Photoiniferter/RAFT Agent for Ambient Temperature Rapid and Well-Controlled Radical Polymerization, M. A. Tasdelen, Y. Y. Durmaz, B. Karagoz, N. Bicak, Y. YagciJournal of Polymer Science Part A:Polymer Chemistry, 2008 46 (10), 3387–3395.

Diethoxy-azobis(pyridinium) Salt as Photoinitiator for Cationic Polymerization: Towards Wavelength Tunability by Cis-Trans Isomerization, Y. Y. Durmaz, O. Zaim, Y. Yagci,Macrolomolar Rapid Communication , 2008 29 (11), 892-896.

Synthesis, Characterization and Thermally Activated Curing of Azobenzene Containing Benzoxazines, B. Kiskan, F. Dogan, Y. Y. Durmaz, Y. Yagci, Designed Monomers and Polymers, 2008 11 (5), 473-482.

Synthesis of Block Copolymers by Combination of ATRP and Photoiniferter Processes, Y. Y. Durmaz, B. Karagoz, N. Bicak, Y. Yagci, Polymer International, 2008 57 (10), 1182-1187.

Visible Light Initiated Free Radical Promoted Cationic Polymerization by Using Acylgermane Based Photoinitiator in the Presence of Onium Salts, Y. Y. Durmaz, N. Moszner, Y. Yagci, Macromolecules, 2008 41, 6714-6718.

Use of Atom Transfer Radical Coupling Reactions for the Synthesis of Various Macromolecular Structure, Y. Y. Durmaz, B. Aydogan, I. Cianga, Y. Yagci, Polymer Preprints , 2008 49 (2), 382-383.