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Course Description

CourseCodeSemesterT+P (Hour)CreditECTS
HEALTH POLICIES and PLANNING-Spring Semester3+036
Course Program
Prerequisites Courses
Recommended Elective Courses
Language of CourseTurkish
Course LevelFirst Cycle (Bachelor's Degree)
Course TypeRequired
Course CoordinatorAssist.Prof. Aliye Aslı SONSUZ
Name of Lecturer(s)Assist.Prof. Emre YILMAZ
Assistant(s)Research Assistant Yaşar GÖKALP
AimThe aim of this course is to examine the concept of health policy, the process and the roles and powers of the parties involved in this process in an analytical framework.To provide the necessary knowledge and skills to analyze and plan health policies on a global scale.
Course ContentThis course contains; Course introduction,Health policy framework,Policiy making and planning theroies,Policy making and power theroies,Actors involving in policies,Priortization in health policies,State roles in health policies,Quasi market in health policies,Global health policies,International Health Organizations and Their Roles in Health Policies,Organization control button and decentralization,Organization Control Knob and Decentralization,Turkey's health policy history,General evaluation related to course.
Dersin Öğrenme KazanımlarıTeaching MethodsAssessment Methods
1.Defines the basic concepts related to health policies and planning.16, 9A, E
1.2.Explains the policy analysis triangle.16, 9A, E
2.1.Explains the processes of creating health policies in Turkiye.10, 16, 9A, E
3.Evaluates global health policies.10, 16, 9A, E
1.1. Explains the relationship and differences between the concepts of policy and politics.9A, E
1.3. restate changing health system and makes plans10, 16, 9A, E
1.4 Defines stakeholders and their roles in health policy.10, 16, 9A
2. Evaluates the health policies in Turkey according to their periods.10, 16, 9A, E
2.2. compare health policies of republic term and recent term10, 16, 9A, E
2.3. restate multidisciplinary approaches in the formation of health policies10, 16, 9A, E
4. Explain the control knobs used in health reform.10, 16, 9A, E
4.1 Explains the types of decentralization.10, 16, 9A, E
4.2. Evaluates the benefits and harms of decentralization.10, 16, 9A, E
5. Explain the types of power in health policies.10, 16, 9
Teaching Methods:10: Discussion Method, 16: Question - Answer Technique, 9: Lecture Method
Assessment Methods:A: Traditional Written Exam, E: Homework

Course Outline

OrderSubjectsPreliminary Work
1Course introduction
2Health policy frameworkExamination of related sources
3Policiy making and planning theroiesExamination of related sources
4Policy making and power theroiesExamination of related sources
5Actors involving in policiesExamination of related sources
6Priortization in health policiesExamination of related sources
7State roles in health policiesExamination of related sources
8Quasi market in health policiesExamination of related sources
9Global health policiesExamination of related sources
10International Health Organizations and Their Roles in Health PoliciesExamination of related sources
11Organization control button and decentralizationExamination of related sources
12Organization Control Knob and DecentralizationExamination of related sources
13Turkey's health policy historyExamination of related sources
14General evaluation related to courseExamination of related sources
Lecture notes
-ABA, G, (2020), Sağlık Politikası ve Planlaması, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, ISBN:978-605-7928-55-9, Genişletilmiş 2. Basım, ANKARA -Buse, K., Mays, N., & Walt, G. (2012). Making health policy. McGraw-hill education (UK). -Sağlık Hizmetleri El Kitabı, Hayran O., Sur H, Çevik Matbaası, 1998, İstanbul - Reinke, W. A. (Ed.). (1988). Health planning for effective management. Oxford University Press on Demand. Raadschelders J.C.N., Gadot E. V., Kisner M., (2015), Global Dimensions of Public Administration and Governance,p:99. -Buse, K., Mays, N., & Walt, G. (2012). Making health policy. McGraw-hill education (UK). -WHO, Policies,

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications
NoProgram QualificationContribution Level
PQ-1. Learns the national health conditions and the development, implementation and performance evaluation of appropriate health policies, as well as the theoretical and practical knowledge of organization and management of the health sector.
PQ-2. Uses theoretical and practical knowledge on business world and management with a critical approach to plan, organize and lead health and health service providers at national and international level.
PQ-3. Identifies the relevant job roles in subdivisions of health system organizations and learns about their duties and responsibilities.
PQ-4. Knows the social, environmental and behavioral factors related to the development of public and individual health.
PQ-5. Applies the knowledge and skills on management of health institutions to manage the functions such as management, production, human resources, finance, accounting, marketing, patient and public relations, quality and patient safety, occupational health and safety, information technologies.
PQ-6. Analyzes the information on health management scientifically and interprets their results, creates innovative, ethical, socially responsible and sustainable solutions, by using quantitative, qualitative techniques and digital technology innovatively for problem solving and exploiting opportunities in health management.
PQ-7. Decide independently and demonstrates leadership qualities in identifying health management problems, develops proposals for solutions, applies them effectively and efficiently and assesses outcomes.
PQ-8. Takes responsibility as an individual and/or team member to solve the problems encountered in managing health institutions.
PQ-9. Evaluates the personality, culture and behavioral characteristics of the health institutions’ employees and directs them towards the aims of the institution.
PQ-10. Decides on and applies different ways of accessing information.
PQ-11. Continuously develops their professional knowledge and skills; open to change, innovation, entrepreneurship and lifelong learning.
PQ-12. Shares the views and suggestions on health management issues in writing and orally with stakeholders and communicates effectively with colleagues using an English level of at least European Language Portfolio B1 General.
PQ-13. Solves problems using effective communication methods, has the ability to use the language in written and oral communication in a correct and proper manner using the terminology of health institutions.
PQ-14. Uses information and communication technologies and computer software at least at the European Computer Use License level.
PQ-15. Yönetim felsefesini ve yönetimin fonksiyonlarını her bir birime uygun olacak biçimde yönetim uygulamalarına yansıtır.
PQ-16. Birey olarak dış görünüm olumlu tutum ve davranışlarıyla kuruma örnek olur; sürekli gelişme ve değişime açıktır.
PQ-17. Sağlık yönetimi ile ilgili hukuki düzenlemeler ile toplumsal, bilimsel, mesleki etik ilkelere uygun, ülke ya da dünya genelinde genel sağlık sorunlarına duyarlı davranır, çözüm önerilerini yorumlar ve değerlendirir.

Assessment Methods

Contribution LevelAbsolute Evaluation
Rate of Midterm Exam to Success 40
Rate of Final Exam to Success 60
Total 100
ECTS / Workload Table
ActivitiesNumber ofDuration(Hour)Total Workload(Hour)
Course Hours14342
Guided Problem Solving14342
Resolution of Homework Problems and Submission as a Report000
Term Project14040
Presentation of Project / Seminar515
Midterm Exam12121
General Exam12828
Performance Task, Maintenance Plan000
Total Workload(Hour)180
Dersin AKTS Kredisi = Toplam İş Yükü (Saat)/30*=(180/30)6
ECTS of the course: 30 hours of work is counted as 1 ECTS credit.

Detail Informations of the Course

Course Description

CourseCodeSemesterT+P (Hour)CreditECTS
HEALTH POLICIES and PLANNING-Spring Semester3+036
Course Program
Prerequisites Courses
Recommended Elective Courses
Language of CourseTurkish
Course LevelFirst Cycle (Bachelor's Degree)
Course TypeRequired
Course CoordinatorAssist.Prof. Aliye Aslı SONSUZ
Name of Lecturer(s)Assist.Prof. Emre YILMAZ
Assistant(s)Research Assistant Yaşar GÖKALP
AimThe aim of this course is to examine the concept of health policy, the process and the roles and powers of the parties involved in this process in an analytical framework.To provide the necessary knowledge and skills to analyze and plan health policies on a global scale.
Course ContentThis course contains; Course introduction,Health policy framework,Policiy making and planning theroies,Policy making and power theroies,Actors involving in policies,Priortization in health policies,State roles in health policies,Quasi market in health policies,Global health policies,International Health Organizations and Their Roles in Health Policies,Organization control button and decentralization,Organization Control Knob and Decentralization,Turkey's health policy history,General evaluation related to course.
Dersin Öğrenme KazanımlarıTeaching MethodsAssessment Methods
1.Defines the basic concepts related to health policies and planning.16, 9A, E
1.2.Explains the policy analysis triangle.16, 9A, E
2.1.Explains the processes of creating health policies in Turkiye.10, 16, 9A, E
3.Evaluates global health policies.10, 16, 9A, E
1.1. Explains the relationship and differences between the concepts of policy and politics.9A, E
1.3. restate changing health system and makes plans10, 16, 9A, E
1.4 Defines stakeholders and their roles in health policy.10, 16, 9A
2. Evaluates the health policies in Turkey according to their periods.10, 16, 9A, E
2.2. compare health policies of republic term and recent term10, 16, 9A, E
2.3. restate multidisciplinary approaches in the formation of health policies10, 16, 9A, E
4. Explain the control knobs used in health reform.10, 16, 9A, E
4.1 Explains the types of decentralization.10, 16, 9A, E
4.2. Evaluates the benefits and harms of decentralization.10, 16, 9A, E
5. Explain the types of power in health policies.10, 16, 9
Teaching Methods:10: Discussion Method, 16: Question - Answer Technique, 9: Lecture Method
Assessment Methods:A: Traditional Written Exam, E: Homework

Course Outline

OrderSubjectsPreliminary Work
1Course introduction
2Health policy frameworkExamination of related sources
3Policiy making and planning theroiesExamination of related sources
4Policy making and power theroiesExamination of related sources
5Actors involving in policiesExamination of related sources
6Priortization in health policiesExamination of related sources
7State roles in health policiesExamination of related sources
8Quasi market in health policiesExamination of related sources
9Global health policiesExamination of related sources
10International Health Organizations and Their Roles in Health PoliciesExamination of related sources
11Organization control button and decentralizationExamination of related sources
12Organization Control Knob and DecentralizationExamination of related sources
13Turkey's health policy historyExamination of related sources
14General evaluation related to courseExamination of related sources
Lecture notes
-ABA, G, (2020), Sağlık Politikası ve Planlaması, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, ISBN:978-605-7928-55-9, Genişletilmiş 2. Basım, ANKARA -Buse, K., Mays, N., & Walt, G. (2012). Making health policy. McGraw-hill education (UK). -Sağlık Hizmetleri El Kitabı, Hayran O., Sur H, Çevik Matbaası, 1998, İstanbul - Reinke, W. A. (Ed.). (1988). Health planning for effective management. Oxford University Press on Demand. Raadschelders J.C.N., Gadot E. V., Kisner M., (2015), Global Dimensions of Public Administration and Governance,p:99. -Buse, K., Mays, N., & Walt, G. (2012). Making health policy. McGraw-hill education (UK). -WHO, Policies,

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications
NoProgram QualificationContribution Level
PQ-1. Learns the national health conditions and the development, implementation and performance evaluation of appropriate health policies, as well as the theoretical and practical knowledge of organization and management of the health sector.
PQ-2. Uses theoretical and practical knowledge on business world and management with a critical approach to plan, organize and lead health and health service providers at national and international level.
PQ-3. Identifies the relevant job roles in subdivisions of health system organizations and learns about their duties and responsibilities.
PQ-4. Knows the social, environmental and behavioral factors related to the development of public and individual health.
PQ-5. Applies the knowledge and skills on management of health institutions to manage the functions such as management, production, human resources, finance, accounting, marketing, patient and public relations, quality and patient safety, occupational health and safety, information technologies.
PQ-6. Analyzes the information on health management scientifically and interprets their results, creates innovative, ethical, socially responsible and sustainable solutions, by using quantitative, qualitative techniques and digital technology innovatively for problem solving and exploiting opportunities in health management.
PQ-7. Decide independently and demonstrates leadership qualities in identifying health management problems, develops proposals for solutions, applies them effectively and efficiently and assesses outcomes.
PQ-8. Takes responsibility as an individual and/or team member to solve the problems encountered in managing health institutions.
PQ-9. Evaluates the personality, culture and behavioral characteristics of the health institutions’ employees and directs them towards the aims of the institution.
PQ-10. Decides on and applies different ways of accessing information.
PQ-11. Continuously develops their professional knowledge and skills; open to change, innovation, entrepreneurship and lifelong learning.
PQ-12. Shares the views and suggestions on health management issues in writing and orally with stakeholders and communicates effectively with colleagues using an English level of at least European Language Portfolio B1 General.
PQ-13. Solves problems using effective communication methods, has the ability to use the language in written and oral communication in a correct and proper manner using the terminology of health institutions.
PQ-14. Uses information and communication technologies and computer software at least at the European Computer Use License level.
PQ-15. Yönetim felsefesini ve yönetimin fonksiyonlarını her bir birime uygun olacak biçimde yönetim uygulamalarına yansıtır.
PQ-16. Birey olarak dış görünüm olumlu tutum ve davranışlarıyla kuruma örnek olur; sürekli gelişme ve değişime açıktır.
PQ-17. Sağlık yönetimi ile ilgili hukuki düzenlemeler ile toplumsal, bilimsel, mesleki etik ilkelere uygun, ülke ya da dünya genelinde genel sağlık sorunlarına duyarlı davranır, çözüm önerilerini yorumlar ve değerlendirir.

Assessment Methods

Contribution LevelAbsolute Evaluation
Rate of Midterm Exam to Success 40
Rate of Final Exam to Success 60
Total 100

Numerical Data

Student Success

Ekleme Tarihi: 04/11/2023 - 15:39Son Güncelleme Tarihi: 04/11/2023 - 15:43