Article 8 – (1) Tuition fees are determined at the beginning of each academic year by the Board of Supervisors. The first installment of tuition fee is paid at the beginning of Fall semester during class enrollment or renewal. The second installment is paid at the beginning of Spring semester during class enrollment or renewal.
If deemed necessary, the Board of Supervisors may decide to divide tuition fee into more than two installments. Except for full scholarship students, registrations of the students who did not pay their tuition fees are not done or renewed. Tuition fee does not cover summer school.
Article 9 – (1) New enrollments to the University are done by the Office of Rector during the announced time period according to the applicable law. Only original documents or copies approved by the University are accepted for enrollment. Actions for military service and criminal record are taken based on the candidate’s signed statement. (2) Registrations of candidates whose documents are falsified or not completed during the proposed time period are not done, or are cancelled if already done.
Article 10 – (1) Registrations are renewed during the time period given in the academic calendar at the beginning of each semester. Courses that will be taken by students during that semester are also determined at the renewal of registration. Students are allowed to add or drop courses in the time period specified by the academic calendar. Registration of students whose excuses are accepted by relevant departments can be postponed until the end of the add/drop time period.
Article 11 – (1) A student who wants disenrollment, applies to the relevant department with a petition. The department is notified after the disenrollment of the student, and if there is any payment received for the semester during which the student will not receive any education, the payment is reimbursed.
Article 12 – (1) Each student is assigned a faculty advisor, by the relevant administrative board, to follow an academic program according to this guideline.
Article 13 – (1) Special status students are either registered students or unregistered students who are allowed to attend classes. Special status students are accepted to classes by the decision of the relevant administrative board. A special status student receives a document that shows registered courses only and grades if available. Special status students can request exemption from courses that they had previously taken when they register to Istanbul Medipol University. Special status students pay tuition fees based on the fee per credit of the relevant department.
Article 15 – (1) (Amendment: R.G.09/07/2013-28702) Students can apply for exemption in the specified time period of the academic calendar for courses which had been taken and successfully completed in a previously registered university or an accredited institution. Exemption requests are concluded by the relevant administrative committee, which asks the opinion of the relevant instructor if necessary. Exemption requests are not accepted for elective courses that do not have equal content or credit to the University’s elective courses.
Article 18 – (1) Foreign students who are successful in Turkish proficiency exam or fulfill the conditions of the University Senate start the program they are enrolled. Foreign students who fail at the proficiency exam or do not take the exam continue with the Turkish preparatory school.
Article 22 – (1) Courses in an education program include mandatory courses, electives, courses with prerequisite, and common mandatory courses. Courses, trainings, and internships in the education program of a faculty or college are determined by the recommendation of the school/college administration and the decision of the Senate. The Senate may decide offering a course for two semesters according to the relevant committee. The education in the School of Medicine and School of Dentistry is combined and entegrated. (2) Courses are as follows. a) Mandatory Courses: Students must take these courses in order to graduate. Internships in the Medical School and the School of Dentistry are also regarded as mandatory. b) Elective Courses are divided into two categories: 1) Program specific elective courses: These courses are in the program of the student, and must be taken from a specified list or group of courses in order to graduate. 2) Optional elective courses: These courses are not in the program of the student, and are taken by the student with the approval of the student’s advisor to complete the required credit for graduation with the purpose of personal development. Optional elective courses cannot replace program specific elective courses. c) Courses with prerequisite: These are internships and theory/laboratory courses that require successful completion of some or all of courses in previous semester(s) and/or fulfillment of attendance condition. ç) Common mandatory courses: These are Ataturk Principles and History of Revolution, Turkish Language, and English language courses in the programs without English preparatory school.
Article 25 – (1) At the beginning of each semester, students enroll to courses with assistance of their advisors. Students are required to take all mandatory courses offered by the programs they are enrolled. However equivalent courses can be taken from other departments as well. Students cannot take courses with schedule conflicts that result in student absence. This condition applies to repeated courses as well. (2) Students can enroll to elective courses from their own or other programs. Grades received from these elective courses are taken into account when calculating academic success and cumulative GPA of the student. (3) Students can drop courses with a written request upon advisor’s and department head’s approval in the given time frame of the academic calendar. Students cannot drop courses in the first two semester of the program. (4) (Removed, RG: 09/07/2013-28702) (5) Students, who failed courses that are removed from the program, take the substitute courses. Students are not responsible for failed courses if they are not substituted with other courses, however they have to take other courses in order to fulfill the required ECTS credit for graduation.
Article 26 – (1) Except for the distance education courses, attendance is mandatory for classes, labs and practices. Students are prohibited to take final exams if their class absence reaches more than 30% of theoretic hours, and 20% of practice hours. The instructor of the course notifies administration and announces the list of students who are not allowed to take final exams, at least one week prior to the final exam period.
Article 27 – (Change: RG- 09/02/2014 - 28908) (1) Exams consist of mid-term exam, final exam, make-up exam, exemption exam, excuse exam, and single course exam. Exams could be conducted in oral or written forms or both oral and written and/or practice. Departments announce exam dates one week before the exam period. Students who did not take the exams are considered forfeited their rights; and those exams are graded with a zero (0). If necessary, exams can be done on weekend days with the decision of the administrative office and approval of the Rector. (2) Students must take exams on announced day, time and place, also they must carry student ID, and other callable documents on the day of exam, otherwise exams are considered invalid. Exam grades are considered invalid even the student takes the exam but does not meet the requirements of the exam. Written exam papers are kept for at least two years. (3) Guideline for exams: a) Midterm exam: Every course has at least one midterm exam on each semester. Project, homework, lab, workshop and similar study evaluations may be considered as midterm. Midterm grades are announced before the final exam. Exams done by School of Medicine and School of Dentistry course committees are considered as midterm exams. b) Final exam: The final exam of a course is done at the end of the semester or year. Students enrolled in a course and attended the classes take the final exam of that course. A pass grade for final exams may be imposed by the decision of the relevant committees. School of Medicine and School of Dentistry year-end and committee exams are considered as final exams. Medical School and School of Dentistry students whose committee grade averages are equal to and greater than 75 are exempted from the end-of-semester final exam. When calculating the exemption grades, non-integers are rounded to the nearest integer. c) Completion exam: It is an exam taken at the end of the semester/year for failed courses or with the goal of increasing a grade of a successfully completed course after agreeing to waive the final exam grade. If the goal is to increase the grade, a student can take only one completion exam and must apply to the department at least one week prior to the exam. ç) Exemption exam: Exemption exams are done at the beginning of the semester for courses recommended by the relevant committees and approved by the Senate. d) Make-up exam: This exam is done in place of midterm and completion exams. Students who are approved for make-up exams but did not take the exams due to valid excuses accepted by the relevant administrative committees can take make-up exams in the same semester for midterm exams and at a date decided by the administrative committee for the completion exams. e) (Amendment: RG 09/02/2014-28908) Single course exam: Student who has one course left for graduation after completion exams, can be awarded with single course exam by the decision of the administrative committee. This right is granted once for a student. The exam grade substitutes the final exam grade.
Article 28 – (1) The success at a course is evaluated by the grade of that course. The grade of the course is based on the midterm exam, midterm exam substitutes, such as homework, group studies and similar work, and the final exam. The department sets the contribution of the final exam; the contribution cannot be above 70% and below 30%. Grade points are in the range 0 to 100, and converted to grade points in the 0 to 4 scale and letter grades. (2) Each grade is converted to point grades and letter grades as shown in below. Percentage Range - Grade Points in [0-4] range – Letter Grade – Grade Description 95-100 4,0 A Excellent 90-94 3,7 A- Excellent 80-84 3,0 B Good 70-74 2,3 C+ Good 65-69 2,0 C Average 60-64 1,7 C- Average 0-59 (F1-F2) F Fail (3) Letter grades (F1) (F2) shown above are defined as follows: a) (F1): This grade is given to students who attend classes and fail, b) (F2): This grade is given to students who fail due to non-attendance. Success of students ARTICLE 30-(1): (Change: RG. 09/02/2014 - 28908) Students who receive the required credit in the program they are enrolled and complete the required courses with success are qualified for graduation. Students who were not given a disciplinary action and have 3.00-3.49 GPA are called honor students, 3.50-4.00 GPA are called high honor students. (2) Success grade is 60 points over 100 points on programs which have course passing based system.
Article 31 - (1) Students who receive (F1) or (F2) grade on a course repeat that course in subsequent semesters. Students who want to improve their GPA can take previously taken courses in addition to the required courses in the current semester with the approval of their supervisor according to the Article 25 of this Guideline. Students who failed with F(1) grade are not required to attend the classes in case of re-take. (2) Courses that have to be repeated and elective courses or courses removed from the program with the decision of the relevant committee are subject to the Article 25 of this Guideline.
Article 32 - (1) (Change: R.G. 09/07/2013-28702) Students can appeal to exam result and grades only if there is a quantitative error. Faculty members or students can apply to the relevant Office of Dean or Department with a written petition claiming the quantitative error. Application must be submitted within 5 business days after the proper announcement of the exam results. Applications are concluded in the first session of the relevant administrative board after application date. Applications about the coordinator-based courses are concluded by the approval of the coordinator. Results are given to the parties in written notices.
Article 33 - (1) A student who cheats or attempts to cheat during an exam receives a zero (O) from that exam. That student will then become subject to the Disciplinary Action Code of the Turkish Higher Education Council.
Article 34 - (1) A student can be given one or two semesters off from school if there are valid reasons through written petition by the student or his/her representative to the relevant office of dean or department. The student requests and reasons are evaluated by the relevant administrative board and the decision is reported to the Office of Rector. For student who are in English Preparatory School, the opinion of the School’s coordinator is taken. A student can get permission for up to two semesters in one time and up to four semesters in total. (2) Periods of leave are not accounted as education periods. Application can be submitted with reasons and document until the last day of add/drop period, except for the unforeseen situations. Students who are taken into custody or arrested and whose detention is lifted or acquitted after trial are assumed as permitted during those periods. These students pay the entire tuition fees. (4) Students who attend scientific, social, cultural and sportive events and competitions to represent Turkey or the University are excused from classes and exams by the decision of Senate. These students take make-up exams for the missed exams.
Article 35 – (1) Students can be permitted for leave up to one year by the relevant administrative board when there are opportunities to contribute to their education, such as education in or outside country, internship, research and experience. These permits are included in the education period; and the applications must be done till the end of the add/drop period. These students are required to pay tuition fees.
Article 36 – (1) On leave students, after their permission period, register and continue to their education from where they left. Except for the students of School of Medicine, School of Dentistry and English Preparatory School, students who had two semester long leave must apply to the relevant office of dean or department with written petition if they want to continue their education after the first semester.
Article 37 – (1) Students must report their health excuses during the education period to the University’s Office of Health, Culture and Sports (HCS) with documents obtained from the University hospitals, or –if not possible due to reasons such as holiday periods- from other hospitals, and within five business days of the exam date. Students whose reports are approved and submitted to the Office of Rector by the HCS can take make-up exams. Health reports except for the ones mentioned in this article are not accepted. Students cannot attend classes or take exams during sick leave.
Article 38 – (1) Student financial responsibility continues during leave, sick leave, and when the custody or detention is lifted or acquitted after trial; and the tuition fee must be paid in full at the beginning of each semester.
Article 39 – (1) (Change:RG- 09/02/2014 - 28908) Students are eligible to get diploma after successfully completing all necessary courses and trainings according to this Guideline. In addition, students must have taken at least 30 times the number of semesters in the education program of ECTS credits, except for the English Preparatory School period. The guidelines for the diploma supplements, interim graduation certificate, graduation transcript and other documents to be given to all graduates are decided by the Senate.
Article 40 – (1) Students who complete four semesters of Associate Degree programs are given Associate Degree diplomas according to this Guideline. (2) (Change: RG- 09/02/2014 - 28908) Students who are enrolled to an undergraduate program and successfully complete at least four semesters’ coursework or 60% of courses in the program can be granted with Associate Degree diploma upon their request.
Article 41 – (1) Students who successfully complete a program of at least eight semesters, except English Preparatory School period, are given an undergraduate diploma according to this Guideline. School of Medicine students can have Medical undergraduate diploma upon their request if they successfully pass all exams of the fourth year.
Article 42 – (1) Students can have education at another higher education institution for one or two semester according to bilateral agreements and protocols between the schools.