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Course Detail

Course Description

CourseCodeSemesterT+P (Hour)CreditECTS
Course Program
Prerequisites Courses
Recommended Elective Courses
Language of CourseTurkish
Course LevelFirst Cycle (Bachelor's Degree)
Course TypeRequired
Course CoordinatorLect. Kezban Ekin ÖZBEY DUYGU
Name of Lecturer(s)Lect. Kezban Ekin ÖZBEY DUYGU
AimThe aim of this course is to help students gain experience in the application of advanced counseling skills and to learn the characteristics of crisis counseling and supervision.
Course ContentThis course contains; -Introduction to the course
-Cognitive interventions,-Cognitive interventions,- Behavioral interventions
-Exercises,- Behavioral interventions
- Exercises,-Systemic interventions
- Termination and monitoring,-Systemic interventions
- Termination and monitoring,-Crisis intervention,-Consultation
- Supervision,Coping with social anxiety group program - 1st to 5th session,Coping with social anxiety group program - 1st to 5th session,-CBT interventions,- Use of equipment in psychological counseling
-Use of chairs in psychological counseling,- Use of movement in psychological counseling
-The writing and drawing use in therapy
- Use of analogies and fantasies in psychological counseling,Evaluation of the course in general.
Dersin Öğrenme KazanımlarıTeaching MethodsAssessment Methods
The psychological counselor understands, explains and categorizes the roles 10, 13, 16, 9A, E, G
The psychological counseling process defines and explains the ethical process.10, 15, 16, 9A, E
Understands and applies psychological counseling skills.13, 14, 15E
Teaching Methods:10: Discussion Method, 13: Case Study Method, 14: Self Study Method, 15: Role Play and Drama Technique, 16: Question - Answer Technique, 9: Lecture Method
Assessment Methods:A: Traditional Written Exam, E: Homework, G: Quiz

Course Outline

OrderSubjectsPreliminary Work
1-Introduction to the course
-Cognitive interventions
Makes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
2-Cognitive interventionsMakes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
3- Behavioral interventions
Makes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
4- Behavioral interventions
- Exercises
Makes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
5-Systemic interventions
- Termination and monitoring
Makes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
6-Systemic interventions
- Termination and monitoring
Makes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
7-Crisis interventionMakes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
- Supervision
Makes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
9Coping with social anxiety group program - 1st to 5th sessionMakes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
10Coping with social anxiety group program - 1st to 5th sessionMakes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
11-CBT interventionsMakes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
12- Use of equipment in psychological counseling
-Use of chairs in psychological counseling
Makes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
13- Use of movement in psychological counseling
-The writing and drawing use in therapy
- Use of analogies and fantasies in psychological counseling
Makes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
14Evaluation of the course in generalReading the course slides.
Eren Gümüş, A. (2010). Sosyal kaygı ile başa çıkma. U. Öner içinde, Uygulamalı grup rehberliği programları dizisi (2. b.). Ankara: Nobel. Hackney, H., & Cormier, S. (2009). Psikolojik danışma ilke ve teknikleri: Psikolojik yardım süreci el kitabı. (T. Ergene, & S. Sevim, Çev.) Ankara: Mentis. Jacobs, E., & Schimmel, C. (2016). Etki terapisi (3. b.). (A. N. Canel, Çev. Ed.) İstanbul: Pinhan.

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications
NoProgram QualificationContribution Level
Verbalizes the meanings of terms and concepts that are used in the Psychological Counseling and Guidance field.
Verbalizes the basic concepts, principles, and techniques of theories in the field of Psychological Counseling and Guidance.
Compares different theories in the field of Psychological Counseling and Guidance and lists the strenghts and weaknesses of each theory.
Uses necessary intervention techniques in accordance with the education taken about the possible problems or issues that can be faced when working in the field of Psychological Counseling and Guidance.
When faced with a problem in the profession, he /she analyzes and solves it with scientific methods.
When faced with a problem in the profession, he/she solves it by oneself.
Has the knowledge and skills required by the profession and make necessary interventions by distinguishing his/her own tasks and responsibilities from the ones that are not in the scope of the his/her profession.
Follows the developments about the profession and has the principle of lifelong learning.
Holds consultation with his/her colleagues when needed in the process of resolving a problem about the profession.
When faced with a problem, he/she formulates it in a written form or verbally.
Has a sense of social responsibility and uses his/her field knowledge and skills for the solutions of problems in his/her surroundings.
Knows at least B1 level of English to follow the international scientific developments in Psychological Counseling and Guidance field.
Knows basic consepts in Psychological Counseling and Guidance field.
Applies basic skills in Psychological Counseling and Guidance field.
Uses psychological measurement tools in accordance with their purpose and ethical principles.
Makes scientific research in the field of Psychological Counseling and Guidance by selecting appropriate research methods.

Assessment Methods

Contribution LevelAbsolute Evaluation
Rate of Midterm Exam to Success 40
Rate of Final Exam to Success 60
Total 100
ECTS / Workload Table
ActivitiesNumber ofDuration(Hour)Total Workload(Hour)
Course Hours14228
Guided Problem Solving000
Resolution of Homework Problems and Submission as a Report000
Term Project14114
Presentation of Project / Seminar000
Midterm Exam12224
General Exam20240
Performance Task, Maintenance Plan000
Total Workload(Hour)106
Dersin AKTS Kredisi = Toplam İş Yükü (Saat)/30*=(106/30)4
ECTS of the course: 30 hours of work is counted as 1 ECTS credit.

Detail Informations of the Course

Course Description

CourseCodeSemesterT+P (Hour)CreditECTS
Course Program
Prerequisites Courses
Recommended Elective Courses
Language of CourseTurkish
Course LevelFirst Cycle (Bachelor's Degree)
Course TypeRequired
Course CoordinatorLect. Kezban Ekin ÖZBEY DUYGU
Name of Lecturer(s)Lect. Kezban Ekin ÖZBEY DUYGU
AimThe aim of this course is to help students gain experience in the application of advanced counseling skills and to learn the characteristics of crisis counseling and supervision.
Course ContentThis course contains; -Introduction to the course
-Cognitive interventions,-Cognitive interventions,- Behavioral interventions
-Exercises,- Behavioral interventions
- Exercises,-Systemic interventions
- Termination and monitoring,-Systemic interventions
- Termination and monitoring,-Crisis intervention,-Consultation
- Supervision,Coping with social anxiety group program - 1st to 5th session,Coping with social anxiety group program - 1st to 5th session,-CBT interventions,- Use of equipment in psychological counseling
-Use of chairs in psychological counseling,- Use of movement in psychological counseling
-The writing and drawing use in therapy
- Use of analogies and fantasies in psychological counseling,Evaluation of the course in general.
Dersin Öğrenme KazanımlarıTeaching MethodsAssessment Methods
The psychological counselor understands, explains and categorizes the roles 10, 13, 16, 9A, E, G
The psychological counseling process defines and explains the ethical process.10, 15, 16, 9A, E
Understands and applies psychological counseling skills.13, 14, 15E
Teaching Methods:10: Discussion Method, 13: Case Study Method, 14: Self Study Method, 15: Role Play and Drama Technique, 16: Question - Answer Technique, 9: Lecture Method
Assessment Methods:A: Traditional Written Exam, E: Homework, G: Quiz

Course Outline

OrderSubjectsPreliminary Work
1-Introduction to the course
-Cognitive interventions
Makes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
2-Cognitive interventionsMakes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
3- Behavioral interventions
Makes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
4- Behavioral interventions
- Exercises
Makes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
5-Systemic interventions
- Termination and monitoring
Makes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
6-Systemic interventions
- Termination and monitoring
Makes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
7-Crisis interventionMakes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
- Supervision
Makes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
9Coping with social anxiety group program - 1st to 5th sessionMakes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
10Coping with social anxiety group program - 1st to 5th sessionMakes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
11-CBT interventionsMakes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
12- Use of equipment in psychological counseling
-Use of chairs in psychological counseling
Makes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
13- Use of movement in psychological counseling
-The writing and drawing use in therapy
- Use of analogies and fantasies in psychological counseling
Makes readings and researches on the relevant subject.
14Evaluation of the course in generalReading the course slides.
Eren Gümüş, A. (2010). Sosyal kaygı ile başa çıkma. U. Öner içinde, Uygulamalı grup rehberliği programları dizisi (2. b.). Ankara: Nobel. Hackney, H., & Cormier, S. (2009). Psikolojik danışma ilke ve teknikleri: Psikolojik yardım süreci el kitabı. (T. Ergene, & S. Sevim, Çev.) Ankara: Mentis. Jacobs, E., & Schimmel, C. (2016). Etki terapisi (3. b.). (A. N. Canel, Çev. Ed.) İstanbul: Pinhan.

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications

Course Contribution to Program Qualifications
NoProgram QualificationContribution Level
Verbalizes the meanings of terms and concepts that are used in the Psychological Counseling and Guidance field.
Verbalizes the basic concepts, principles, and techniques of theories in the field of Psychological Counseling and Guidance.
Compares different theories in the field of Psychological Counseling and Guidance and lists the strenghts and weaknesses of each theory.
Uses necessary intervention techniques in accordance with the education taken about the possible problems or issues that can be faced when working in the field of Psychological Counseling and Guidance.
When faced with a problem in the profession, he /she analyzes and solves it with scientific methods.
When faced with a problem in the profession, he/she solves it by oneself.
Has the knowledge and skills required by the profession and make necessary interventions by distinguishing his/her own tasks and responsibilities from the ones that are not in the scope of the his/her profession.
Follows the developments about the profession and has the principle of lifelong learning.
Holds consultation with his/her colleagues when needed in the process of resolving a problem about the profession.
When faced with a problem, he/she formulates it in a written form or verbally.
Has a sense of social responsibility and uses his/her field knowledge and skills for the solutions of problems in his/her surroundings.
Knows at least B1 level of English to follow the international scientific developments in Psychological Counseling and Guidance field.
Knows basic consepts in Psychological Counseling and Guidance field.
Applies basic skills in Psychological Counseling and Guidance field.
Uses psychological measurement tools in accordance with their purpose and ethical principles.
Makes scientific research in the field of Psychological Counseling and Guidance by selecting appropriate research methods.

Assessment Methods

Contribution LevelAbsolute Evaluation
Rate of Midterm Exam to Success 40
Rate of Final Exam to Success 60
Total 100

Numerical Data

Student Success

Ekleme Tarihi: 04/10/2023 - 14:42Son Güncelleme Tarihi: 24/12/2023 - 02:31