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Prof. Dr. Burcu Yavuz Tiftikcigil's article titled "European Green Deal on the Axis of Sustainable Development, Circular Economy and Green Economic Transformation '' was published in TIMREPORT!


The Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM) acts as a bridge between the private sector and the public sector in the activities to be carried out in order to achieve the goal of a Türkiye with a foreign trade surplus, to increase the sustainable foreign trade volume, to develop bilateral commercial, social and cultural relations with the commercial partner countries, and shares up-to-date information with the public through various reports published in this direction.

In TIMREPORT's International Support for Sustainable Exports report which was published on 6 February 2023, many experts in their fields wrote about the agendas that will affect exports and export channels. In this context, Yavuz Tiftikçigil; "The European Green Deal (EGD) should not be considered as a strategy centered solely on the environmental problem, which only works to combat and adapt to climate change. The European Green Deal covers elements such as a new growth strategy, energy policies, agriculture, food security, sustainable development, and health policies.” She emphasizes that the European Green Deal combines social, environmental, and economic impacts.

Please click here to review the report.


Son Güncelleme Tarihi: 20/02/2024 - 14:08