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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The preparatory school aims to educate our students so that they can acquire various new skills

offered in a foreign language. We believe this is of vital importance in an environment of global

competition and therefore adopt linguistic skills as part of the İstanbul Medipol University’s

educational policy.

Newly registered students who are placed in the Turkish program can attend an optional preparatory class. In this case, they can apply to the General Coordinator of Foreign Languages ​​and enroll in the English Preparatory Program if there is a quota. Students attending an optional preparatory class are subject to all provisions of the English Preparatory Program like all other students. Students who attend the optional preparatory class switch to their own programs when they are successful at the end of an academic year, and when they fail, they switch to their own programs by petitioning the language school secretary.

The normal education period of the Compulsory English Preparatory Program is two years. Students who cannot successfully complete the compulsory English preparatory program within two years are dismissed from the University. If these students apply to the secretarial of the Faculty they are affiliated with, they are placed in programs that teach Turkish by OSYM.

There are four tracks in the English Preparatory Program.


There are eight weeks in each track.

The dates of tracks can be checked from the Preparatory School Website at

Registration freeze/opening and cancellation procedures are done by applying to the Faculty Secretarial to which the student is affiliated, with a petition.

You can find the academic calendar for the Preparatory School at

The elements of assessment in the Preparatory School are;

a) TA (Teacher Assessments)

b) TAT (Track Achievement Test)

c) Projects

d) MTA (Midterms)

e) Portfolio

f) ESP (English for Specific Purposes)

Grading has the below components:

MIDTRACK EXAM (MTE): Each track will have a Midtrack exam that assesses the progress of the students. This exam constitutes 20% of the track score.

TEACHER ASSESSMENT: Each student is given a weekly teacher’s assessment score by each instructor separately based on the student’s attendance, participation and homework assignments. The criterion may vary. The average of assessment scores from all teachers of a student constitutes 10% of the track score.

TRACK ACHIEVEMENT TEST (TAT): At the end of each track, there will be a Track Achievement Test assessing students’ progress. This exam constitutes 30% of the track score.

ESP (English for Specific Purposes): In order to familiarize our students with the terminology they will use in their departments, ESP course (professional English) is given. Professional English accounts for 10% of the annual assessment score and is given only in the 2nd semester.

Project: These are applications that enable our students to work collectively and to work and produce on a subject. Project evaluations comprise 20% of the 1st semester and 15% of the 2nd semester Track average.

Portfolio: It is an evaluation of the work they have done to improve our students’ writing skills. Portfolio evaluations comprise 20% of the 1st semester and 15% of the 2nd semester.

After the mean average of the scores that the students achieve in all four tracks is calculated, 60% of

this average point is added to the 40% of the P.L.A.T. exam at the end of the year. If the student’s

overall score is higher than 70, the student passes the Preparatory School.

** 100% Online Education Procedures:

There have been some changes and regulations regarding the online education and assessment procedures by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) due to Covid-19 Pandemic measures.

The forestated annual grading and assessment (60% of the total average score of four tracks and 40% of the PLAT exam) has changed according to the YÖK regulation stating that online assessments cannot be more than 40% of the annual evaluation. The updated annual grading consists of 40% of the total average of four tracks and 60% of the PLAT (final) exam.

The pass score is 70, which is the 60% of the average scores of the four tracks added to the 40% of

the P.L.A.T. exam at the end of the year.

*Pandemic Measures Update: During the pandemic, (2020-21 academic year )the updated annual grading consists of 40% of the total average of four tracks and 60% of the PLAT (final) exam.

P.L.A.T. is the language efficiency test that every student who satisfied their attendance obligation takes. Its contribution to the students’ overall score is 40%.

Students who miss/fail the P.L.A.T. can take the makeup test, which is another P.L.A.T. exam.

Students who fail the makeup test or whose overall score is below 70 attend the paid summer course voluntarily.

If your absentee rate is above 15% of the classes taught, you can attend summer school but can not take the P.L.A.T.

Total class hours may vary in line with the official holidays and weather conditions.

It is students’ responsibility to keep records of their absent days. Students are not informed about this.


Summer Course is a five or six-week language course applied by the instructors of Medipol University Language School. It is NOT obligatory.

Students who do not take part in Summer Course can finish preparatory program by getting a score

of 75 or higher from the proficiency exam taken place every September. Besides, they can finish the

program by having the related exams applied by OSYM.

Tutorial Hours: You can consult our instructors in office hours which are set before.

Follow the link below, then sign in via your username and password. Then follow


The students who do not attend the classes in over 15% of the total lessons in all 4 tracks cannot take

the P.L.A.T. test either. (Since the number of course hours taught is determined at the end of the year, the number of course hours is calculated by the Board at the end of the year.)

You can attend the paid summer course voluntarily. Summer course is a language programme which is taught by the

English Preparatory School Instructors and is a 6-week condensed language course. Attendance is not

obligatory. Students who do not attend the summer course can complete the preparatory programme

by taking a score of 75 out of the proficiency test done in September every year. Besides, preparatory

programme can also be completed through the foreign language tests the equivalence of which is

accepted by ÖSYM.



The grading system is explained below in a detailed way.

 Teachers’ Assessment (T.A)

T.A’s (Teachers’ Assessments) are given for every lesson per week. They add up to 10% of a

students’ overall score at the end of the year.

 Quizzes

They are the tests which are applied in the tracks the date and the time of which are not

announced before. They add up to 20% of a students’ overall score at the end of the year.

 Projects

These are the reports which aim to improve different skills and include various activities in

each track. They are evaluated within quiz percentages at the end of each track.

 Midterm

It is the test which includes every subject taught until the test date within the tracks. They add

up to 20% of a students’ overall score at the end of the year.

 Final Exam

It ıs the exam in which everything taught within the track is tested at the end of the tracks.

They add up to 30% of a students’ overall score at the end of the year.

You can learn your scores through “MEBIS” on the university website with your user name and




Objection to the exam results is made to the Language School Secretarial with a petition within five working days following the announcement of the grades. The objection is forwarded to the exam commission by the language school coordinator. If an error of fact is detected as a result of the examination to be carried out by the evaluation commission of the objection to the exam results, the necessary correction is made in the exam score within two weeks and it is recorded in the information and management system. The relevant student is informed about the subject via e-mail.

In multiple-choice exams, objections regarding errors such as entering the wrong booklet code, not sending the answers to the optics on time, faint or incorrect coding made by the student during optical coding are not accepted.

There is a proficiency test which is done every September.

You can find sample proficiency exam through the link below.

Medipol University Preparatory Program Exemption Exam with a passing grade of 75 or any equivalent exam approved by YÖK (IELTS (overall): 6.5 and above – IELTS Online is NOT accepted, YDS-E-YDS: 70, CAE: B, CPE: C, TOEFL IBT: 84 – Toefl-IBT Home Edition Not Accepted-, PEARSON PTE Academic: 71, Oxford Test of English: B2) students who submit an exam grade obtained in the last three years are exempt from the Foundation Programme. (Click HERE for more details.)

As long as your registration is completed, an exemption can be made at any time during the academic year. However, you should discuss with your Faculty Secretariat whether the faculty you are affiliated with will start the classes.

The books are paid. You can obtain them through the booths which are opened by the publishing houses in our school.

You can learn about the academic calender through the link below.

Health reports are valid as an excuse for all measurement and evaluation elements

No. However, “delegation” reports are evaluated by the board of directors of the general coordinatorship of foreign languages ​​at the end of the year, and whether it will affect absenteeism is determined by the board.

For exams with excuses, you can attend the “MAKE-UP” sessions of exams with excuses, provided that you submit your health report together with the petition to the Language School Secretariat within 5 working days following the end of the report.

Students who do not have an active registration cannot attend the classes. Students can only attend classes in the class they are registered in.

There can be make-up exams for midterm and final exams, yet there are not make-up exams for quizzes.

Our Language School is in Kavacık Campus. Its address is below:

Kavacık Mah. Ekinciler Cad. No:19 Kavacık Kavşağı Beykoz 34810 İstanbul

Ekleme Tarihi: 10/08/2022 - 09:07Son Güncelleme Tarihi: 02/07/2024 - 14:36