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The Social Contribution Commission Awards presented


At the ‘Social Contribution Commission Award Ceremony’ held for the first time this year, Istanbul Medipol University awarded 22 projects that add value to humanity and society and honored the mission of these projects to contribute to a sustainable future.


The “Social Contribution Commission Award Ceremony” organized for the first time this year by the Social Contribution Commission of Istanbul Medipol University ended. The ceremony, which aims to carry this understanding to a sustainable future by rewarding projects that benefit the society, was attended by the Vice-President Prof. Recep Öztürk, the Secretary General Assoc. Prof. Semih Korkut, the President of the Social Contribution Commission Prof. Türkan Yiğitbaşı, and the Founding President of Istanbul Medipol University Prof. Sabahattin Aydın, as well as Social Contribution Commission members, project leaders, project teams, academicians, administrative staff, and students. At the ceremony held in the South Campus Conference Hall, plaques were presented to 22 project leaders, while certificates of appreciation were given to the commission members and administrative staff who supported the commission.

The opening speech of the ceremony was made by the President of the Social Contribution Commission, Prof. Türkan Yiğitbaşı, who shared the saying, “Doing good is good not only for others, but most of all for the doer.” Underlining the cooperation culture of Anatolia, Prof. Yiğitbaşı continued her words as follows: “Throughout history, Anatolian people have had values that emphasize doing good and showing solidarity. We have many values ​​such as the influence of Islam that encourages kindness, cooperation, and compassion; the concept of collective work shaped by the transition from nomadic culture to agricultural culture; the spirit of cooperation nourished by strong family and kinship ties; the tradition of hospitality and the awareness of solidarity by coming together in difficult times. However, we sometimes fail to realize the importance of these values.”

Noting that the Social Contribution Commission was established on February 6, 2023, Prof. Yiğitbaşı said: “Our commission, which was established on a voluntary basis with the support of our senior management, has been meeting regularly every month for about two years and discussing the areas in which we can contribute to our society. It also evaluates social contribution project applications. In this ceremony, 22 projects with a duration of at least two months, implemented by academic or administrative staff of Medipol University and with completed budgets were deemed worthy of awards. While these projects contributed to the sustainable development goals, they also provided significant support to disadvantaged groups.”

In his speech, the Secretary General of Istanbul Medipol University Assoc. Prof. Semih Korkut appreciated the development of the university. Assoc. Prof. Korkut said: “When I came here, I didn’t know exactly what to expect. However, after three months, I realized that this place offers an extremely productive work environment. All our colleagues are very well-equipped. I have worked at different universities throughout my career, but I have never come across a work environment where social contribution is so prominent. The effort shown for the benefit of society is truly pleasing.”

Istanbul Medipol University Vice-President Prof. Recep Öztürk emphasized the university’s determination to increase social contribution in his opening speech. Prof. Öztürk said: “We gathered at this ceremony to reward projects that serve humanity and carry this understanding to a sustainable future.” Drawing attention to the fact that global problems await rapid solutions, Prof. Öztürk added: “Issues such as climate change and resource depletion require common sense and cooperation.” Stating that universities should contribute to social transformation beyond producing knowledge, Prof. Öztürk said that they prioritize projects that will benefit society in Istanbul Medipol University’s 2022–2026 Strategic Plan. Noting that projects in line with sustainable development goals are a priority for the university, Prof. Öztürk added that they will encourage interdisciplinary projects in the future and aim to build a future in accordance with sustainability principles.

Award-winning projects and project leaders:
1- Pregnancy School– Prof. Nalan Karabayır
2- Pollen– Faculty Member Dr. Asiye Kocatürk
3- Children Beyond Borders– Lecturer Dr. Elif Yurtoğlu Pek
4- Medipol Memorial Forest Afforestation– Funda Ayvaz Karabağlı
5- Blooming Buds– Lecturer Dr. Elif Yurtoğlu Pek
6- Keeping Turkish Coffee Culture and Tradition Alive– Faculty Member Dr. Fahrettin Ersin Alaca
7- The Voice of Science– Mustafa Çitacı
8- Developmental Steps Towards Adolescence: Ages 7-12– Prof. Arzu Yükselen
9- Awareness of Rehabilitation Professionals in a Rare Disease: The Case of KAT6A Syndrome– Lecturer Merve Manga
10- The SAR Search, Rescue, and Emergency First Aid Training– Lecturer Zekeriya Çelik
11- Social Sciences in the 100th Anniversary of the Republic– Prof. Rana Atabay Kuşçu
12- Carrier Research for Severe Genetic Diseases in Turkish Society– Aslı Güner Öztürk Demir
13- Integration Through Sports– Lecturer Yusuf Bilgi
14- Digital Discovery: Hands Touching the Future– Lecturer Tayyar Tepe
15- Every Book is a Dream– Faculty Member Dr. Bilgesu Onur Sucu
16- Green Heritage for the Future: Climate Change and Sustainability Education for High School Students– Prof. Rana Atabay Kuşçu
17- Child Development Education for Families in Earthquake Zones– Prof. Arzu Yükselen
18- Overcoming the Circle of Bullying– Prof. Servet Bayram and Prof. Ayşe Nuhoğlu
19- Menstrual Pain is not My Problem– Prof. Ayşegül Çopur Çiçek
20- Generative Economy / Young Adults and Generative Economy– Faculty Member Dr. Saadet Uğurlu
21- Breathing Workshop and Correct Breathing– Prof. Gökhan Silahtaroğlu
22- Little Heroes: Travelers Empowered by Art, Science, and Theatre– Lecturer Eser Kasapoğlu Gesoğlu

Son Güncelleme Tarihi: 23/12/2024 - 16:15