- The students must be present at the door of the class/lecture hall 15 minutes before to be able to take the identification control and placement actions in due time.
- The authority to place the students' seats and shift the seat of a student if needed is belonging to the academic who is an attendant in the classroom/ lecture hall.
- The attendance will be taken with the Student Attendance List and students identification card individually.
- The academic who is an attendant in the exam will remind the exam rules to the students and hand out the exam paper (and answer sheets if the exam is a test.)
- The exam will be started after the necessary parts on the exam paper/answer sheet are filled up by students.
- Students who arrive 15 minutes after the beginning of the exam will not be admitted to the exam.
- Even if they have completed the answering process early, students will not be allowed out of the lecture hall during the first 15 minutes and the last 5 minutes of the exam.
- In addition, it is strictly forbidden for students to leave the lecture hall to meet their needs like toilets, etc. during the exam.
- A student who leaves the classroom/lecture hall where the exam is held, for whatever reason, will not be admitted to the exam again.
- It is forbidden for students to take their exams with communication tools such as a recorder, mobile phone, walkie-talkie, etc. If any of the above-mentioned devices are seen next to the student at the time of the exam, it will be treated as a cheat and a report will be prepared about the student and necessary penal (disciplinary/ warning/suspension) procedures will be implemented.
- It is forbidden for students to take their exams with devices with all kinds of computer features such as a pocket computer, a watch with several functions other than a watch, weapons, etc. The same penal procedures specified in Article 10 are valid for these devices.
- It is against the rules for students to speak to each other, cheat or lend assistance to cheat, ask a question to the academic who an attendant in the classroom/ lecture hall is when it is forbidden, take and give pencil, eraser, etc. to each other, smoking in the lecture hall, using dictionaries and suchlike documents, eating and drinking disturbingly, act in a disturbing way to exam order.
- The answers of the students are examined by the data processing/instructor reading techniques. The evidence acquired from these examinations will be evaluated by the Dean's Office after the lecturer in charge of the course, and the answers given by the students who are found to be involved in cheating in the classrooms/lectures where it is concluded that double or collective cheating is made will be deemed invalid. For this reason, it is necessary to ensure that no attempts are made to cheat or take advantage of other students in the exam hall and to use the answer sheets in such a way that they cannot be seen by other students during the exam.
- It is the student's main duty to comply with the exam rules. Students who violate the rules will not be allowed to continue the exam. However, the instructors in charge of the exam may not warn those who act extra regular if they deem it necessary so as not to distract other students and not cause them to waste time. Whichever way is chosen, the identities and faults of these students will be written in the exam report, and it will be stated in the exam report that their exams will be invalid.
- The attendant academic will collect the exam papers and answer sheets of students at the end of the exam. Especially the instructors working in large classrooms/lectures may accidentally forget to take a student's exam or answer sheet. In such a case, the student MUST give the necessary warning and ensure that the exam documents are received in full.
- After the documents are collected, the instructors in charge of the exam check whether they are consistent with the number of students on the attendance list and put the documents in the exam file. Instructors in charge MUST write the number of the classrooms, their names and surnames, and their signatures on the exam file. After the exam, the files are delivered to the responsible lecturer of the course for evaluation.
- The responsible lecturer of the course counts all the documents related to the exam, which are taken out of the file one by one and determines the deficiencies in a report. The instructors in charge of the exam are held responsible for any deficiencies or inconsistencies.
School of Pharmacy Exam Commission