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Physical Therapy And Rehabilitation

/Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon (Türkçe)

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation is the science covering a large and diverse category of subjects which include orthopedic rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, geriatric rehabilitation, pediatric rehabilitation, sports health, oncologic rehabilitation, prosthetic and orthotic rehabilitation as well as exercise applications for children, youth and adults.

Modern technological and scientific developments promote the principle of lifelong learning in the physiotherapy and rehabilitation discipline and make imperative for the physiotherapists to constantly increase their knowledge in specific topics relating to assessment and therapy techniques in their professional areas and apply their improved competences in their daily practice. The primary aims of physiotherapy and rehabilitation consist of stopping pain, increasing mobility and improving the quality of life. With these objectives in mind, the Master’s graduate program for Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation targets the education of expert physiotherapists who are enabled to apply rehabilitation techniques based on scientific principles and use the indicated physical, psychological, social, environmental and community-based approaches. The Master’s program for Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation comprises courses covering general and specific physiotherapy and rehabilitation fields.

Dept. Head
Prof. Dr. Z. Candan Algün



II. Year

Fall and Spring Terms: Thesis Preparation

Course Contents

Physiotherapy Seminar I: Review of Vestibular rehabilitation applications using current literature research. 
Course Credits: 2

Clinical Physiotherapy I: Biomechanical approaches to musculo-skeletal problems, applications of clinical physiotherapy, Special Topics in Physiotherapy. 
Course Credits: 3

Assesment and Measurement in Physiotherapy: Review and discussed from a physiotherapy perspective of the methods of assessment and measurement of the musculo-skeletal system. 
Course Credits: 3 

Manipulative Physiotherapy: Comparative discussion of different manipulative techniques for lower and upper extremities as well as the vertebral column.
Course Credits: 3 

Preventive Physiotherapy: Discussion of Preventive physiotherapy assessment and monitoring approaches for healthy and impaired people in different age categories. 
Course Credits: 2 

Physiotherapy in Rheumatismal Diseases: Discussion of current therapy approaches and physiotherapy and rehabilitation assessment methods for rheumatismal diseases. 
Course Credits: 2 

Movement Science and Analysis: Assessment of the structure and mechanics of muscles, bones, joints, ligaments and tendons participating in locomotor movement as well as their pathological changes.
Course Credits: 3 

Orthotics: Review of the recent advances in orthotics and their application to rehabilitation. 
Course Credits: 2 

Seminar: Discussion ofliterature covering recent advances in physiotherapy rehabilitation.

Physiotherapy Seminar II: Discussion of problem solving, training and research methods in special topics in physiotherapy.
Course Credits: 2 

Clinical Physiotherapy II: Assessment of exercises and fuctional activities for different body regions. 
Course Credits: 3 

Geriatric Physiotherapy: Discussion of physiotherapy and rehabilitation methods for healthy and impaired older people. 
Course Credits: 2

Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy: Study of the scientific assessment methods and current physiotherapy approaches used in cardiopulmonary rehabilitation.
Course Credits: 2 

Neurological Physiotherapy: Review of current clinical and research progress in the neurological rehabilitation field.
Course Credits: 2 

Evidence Based Physiotherapy: The importance of evidence based studies will be emphasised in the physiotherapy rehabilitation field, current literature will be reviewed using this approach.
Course Credits: 3 

Oncological Physiotherapy: Discussion of patient assessment and monitoring methods for oncological physiotherapy approaches. 
Course Credits: 2 

Prosthetics: Recent progress in upper and lower extremity prosthetic applications and their related rehabilitation programs.
Course Credits: 2

Ekleme Tarihi: 10/08/2022 - 13:38Son Güncelleme Tarihi: 26/11/2023 - 15:00